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- #1
科比•布莱恩特 提交新资源:
TickProfiler — Tick分析器 - Tick分析器
TickProfiler — Tick分析器 - Tick分析器
TickProfiler是一个Minecraft Forge mod,可以帮助服务器管理员查找导致 Tps 降低的实体以及其他分析功能。
/profile - Shows list of commands.
/profile e - Runs entity profiling in all worlds for 30 seconds.
/profile p - Runs packet profiling for 30 seconds.
/profile u - Runs CPU utilization profiling for 240 seconds.
/profile l - Runs lock contention profiling for 240 seconds.
/profile s - Runs lag spike detection profiling for 600 seconds.
/profile c - Runs profiling for the chunk you're standing in for 30...