
你在 Tales of Aged 荒野中醒来。

- 💧 补水 - 将水煮沸以获得您可以安全饮用的纯净水
- 🍖 营养 - 均衡饮食,但不要吃变质的菜肴
- ❄️ 温度 - 在所有区域保持舒适
- 🌍 季节 - 为冬天做准备并检查您的作物
- 🧮 技能 - 收集 XP 以改善您的角色方面
- 🛠️ 作业 - 最多分配 3 个作业以更快地接收 XP
- 🏡 定居 - 探索并保护您的货物免受敌军的攻击
- 🪙 交易 - 你会偶然发现更多的流浪交易者和其他交易者
- ⚔️ 战斗 - 你走得越远,生物就越强大。同时,他们提供更多的战利品
- ♟️ Boss - 超过 6 场独特的 Boss 战等你打败
- 🎒 背包 - 将物品存放在抽屉中或使用便携式背包
- 🔨 升级工具 - 将宝石锻造到工具上,同时增加稀有度
- 📦 筛子 - 通过筛子过滤物品以获得常见到稀有的物品
- 🪑 家具 - 用[Let's Do] & Another Furniture装饰
- 🦖 考古 - 揭示古老的化石和强大的魔法
- ✨ 装饰 - 来自Chipped & Stoneworks的各种块
Tales of Age (老年的故事)
你很可能在问自己Aged Lite和Aged 之间的区别是什么。
Aged Lite是Age的轻量级版本,具有接近0的美学和视觉模组。
从 Aged v 3.1.0 开始,两个 modpack 彼此兼容。
查看 Aged Lite 更改日志以了解它与哪个 Aged 版本兼容。
已知 Bug
Mod / 资源包 / 数据包 / 着色器
- [电磁场]实体模型功能
- [ETF协议]实体纹理功能
- [让我们做插件]EMI 兼容性
- [让我们一起行动]应用程序接口
- [让我们一起行动]面包店 - Farm&Charm Compat
- [让我们一起行动]啤酒厂 - Farm&Charm Compat
- [让我们一起行动]烛光 - Farm&Charm Compat
- [让我们一起行动]农场与魅力
- [让我们一起行动]草药酿造
- [让我们一起行动]草 甸
- [让我们一起行动]NetherVinery
- [让我们一起行动]葡萄园
- 3D 蒙皮层
- 加法 Z
- 进度全屏
- 进度搜索
- 冒险Z
- 老化添加
- 年鉴
- Amarite (阿马里特)
- 周围环境
- Another Furniture
- 古董阿特拉斯 4
- 苹果皮肤
- 架构 API
- ARRP (英语)
- 天文飞船
- 异步定位器
- 雅典娜
- 自动标记
- BackSlot 后槽
- BackSlotAddon
- BadOptimizations
- 香油
- 更好的考古学
- 更好的战斗
- Better End Cities 原版
- 鸟类 |Boids 插件
- 模糊
- Boids 系列
- 无边界挖矿
- 构建但更好
- CameraOverhaul (摄像机大修)
- 粉笔
- 粉笔:Colorful Addon
- 插话
- 布料配置 API
- 战斗卷
- 互补未绑定 [着色器]
- 可连接链 [Fabric]
- 联轴器
- 爬
- 创建服务器数据包 [Datapack]
- 爬行者大改
- 作物生长调节器
- 默认选项
- 脱水
- Desert Dungeon - DungeonZ 插件
- DEUF 再制造
- 遥远的地平线
- Drip Sounds (Fabric)
- Dungeon Now Loading
- Dungeons and Taverns --(Permission)
- Dungeons and Taverns Ancient City Overhaul
- Dungeons and Taverns Pillager Outpost Rework
- Dungeons and Taverns Stronghold Rework
- Dungeons+
- DungeonZ
- EarlyStage
- EMI Enchanting
- EMI Loot
- EMI Ores
- EMI Trades
- EMIffect
- End Remastered
- Enderman Overhaul
- Entity Culling
- EnvironmentZ
- Euphonium
- Exposure
- Extended Drawers
- ExtendedDrawersAddon
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fabric Seasons
- Fancy Block Particles - Renewed
- Fancy Menu
- FancyFast Bushy Leaves [Resourcepack]
- FerriteCore
- First-person Model
- Fishing Real
- FleshZ
- Forge Config API Port
- Formations (Structure Library)
- Formations Nether
- Formations Overworld
- Fresh Animations [Resourcepack]
- Fresh Animations - Extensions [Resourcepack]
- Fresh Moves (with eyes) [Resourcepack]
- Fzzy Config
- Gardens of the Dead
- Geckolib
- Grass Overhaul
- Hearths
- HerdsPanic
- Hopo Better Mineshaft
- Hopo Better Underwater Ruins
- HT's TreeChop
- ImmediatelyFast
- Immersive Aircraft
- Immersive Armors
- Immersive Snow
- Immersive UI
- ImmersiveThunder
- Indium
- Inmis
- InmisAddon
- Iris Shaders
- Iris/Oculus & GeckoLib Compat
- JobsAddon
- Jump Over Fences
- Kiwi Library
- Konkrete
- Lavender
- Let Me Despawn
- LevelZ
- LibZ
- Lithium
- Load My F***ing Tags
- Load My Resources
- Log Begone
- lootbeams
- Lootr
- Luki's Grand Capitals
- M.R.U
- Medieval Buildings
- Medieval Weapons
- Melody
- Memory Leak Fix
- MES - Moog's End Structures
- MNS - Moog's Nether Structures
- Mod Menu
- Model Gap Fix
- ModernFix
- Moonlight Lib
- More Culling
- Nameplate
- Naturalist
- Nature's Spirit
- Neruina - Ticking Entity Fixer
- NiftyCarts
- Nimble
- Noisium
- NutritionZ
- OctoLib
- Overflowing Bars
- owo (owo-lib)
- Particular
- PartyAddon
- Passable Foliage
- Paxi
- Phantom Loader
- Photon [Shader]
- Pixel Perfect [Let's Do Addon] [Resourcepack]
- playerAnimator
- Pockets
- Presence Footsteps
- Profundis: Seven New Quality Cave Biomes
- Puzzles Lib
- Raise Sound Limit Simplified
- RAY's 3D Ladders [Resourcepack]
- RAY's 3D Rails [Resourcepack]
- RecipeRemover
- Resourceful Config
- Resourceful Lib
- Revive
- RpgDifficulty
- Scholar
- Seamless Loading Screen
- SeasonHUD-Fabric
- Ships
- Shut Up GL Error
- Small Ships
- Smarter Farmers (farmers replant)
- SmitherZ
- Smooth Scrolling Refurbished
- Smooth Swapping
- Sodium
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Sounds
- Sparse Structures
- Spawn Animations
- Spider Caves
- SpoiledZ
- Stoneworks
- Superb Steeds
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib
- Surveyor Map Framework
- Sushi Bar
- TCDCommons API
- TerraBlender
- The Lost Castle
- TieredZ
- Time & Wind
- ToolTipFix
- Translucency Fix
- TravelerZ
- Trinkets
- True Ending: Ender Dragon Overhaul
- Underground Jungle
- Unnamed Deserts
- VillagerTradeFix
- Villager Transportation
- 村庄&掠夺
- 虚空Z
- 欢迎屏幕
- William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld [Datapack] (威廉·威瑟斯的大修主世界 [数据包])
- 容的 API
- YUNG's Better Desert Temples(容氏更好的沙漠寺庙酒店)
- YUNG 的 Better End Island
- YUNG's Better Jungle Temples
- YUNG 的 Better Nether Fortresses
- YUNG 的 Better Ocean Monuments
- 旧版 Mod / 资源包 / 数据包 / 着色器
- 自适应工具提示
- 进度调试
- 交流电
- AmbientSounds(环境声音)
- 美国梅克
- 反幽灵
- 弓箭手 (RPG 系列)
- 地区
- 装甲
- 属性修复
- 自动第三人称
- AzureLib
- AzureLib 装甲
- BCLib 公司
- 美化:再制造
- 更好的进步
- 更好的生物群落混合
- 更好的云
- 更好的火焰粒子 [资源包]
- 更好的梯子
- 更好的安装 HUD
- 更好的下界地图
- 更好的锻造台
- 更好的统计屏幕
- 比修补更好
- 更好的第三人称
- 更好的End
- BetterNether (更下界)
- 生物群落苔藓
- 方块状态 + [资源包]
- 花
- 船只项目视图
- 书架
- Brewin And Chewin --(许可)
- 更浓密的花朵
- Cardinal 组件 API
- 铺有地毯的楼梯和石板
- 目录
- 洞穴尘埃
- 不朽的魅力
- Charmonium 餐厅
- 数据块淡入
- CIT 重缝
- ClearDespawn (清除消失)
- 集体
- 七彩之心
- 完成配置
- 大洲
- 连续性
- 控制
- Corality [资源包]
- 柯基犬 Lib
- 可制作的隐形物品展示框
- CraftPresence
- 创意核心
- 雪地生物
- 克里斯特尔·利布
- CTM 再制造
- 自定义门户
- 自定义生成
- 深色加载屏幕
- Dawn API
- Debugify
- Deeper Oceans
- Detail Armor Bar
- Disable Accessibility Screen
- Disenchanter
- Dismount Entity
- Do a Barrel Roll
- Drippy Loading Screen
- Dyed
- Dynamic Crosshair
- Dynamic Crosshair Compat
- Dynamic FPS
- e4mc
- Early Loading Screen
- Easy Magic
- Eating Animation
- Eclectic Trove [Resourcepack]
- Ecologics --(Permission)
- Elytra Slot
- Elytra Trims
- EMI Addon: Extra Mod Integrations
- EMI Compat
- Enchanted Vertical Slabs
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Enhanced Celestials
- Enhanced Workbenches
- Entity Collision FPS Fix
- Equipment Compare
- Eugene's Wealthy Plains
- Even Better Archeology
- Event
- Expanded Delight
- Experience Bottler
- Extra Sounds
- Extraordinary Extra Totems
- Fabric Seasons: Extras
- Fabric Shield Lib
- Falling Leaves
- Farmers Delight
- Farmers Respite
- Flintl0cks --(Permission) [Resourcepack]
- FPS Reducer
- Frame API
- Freshly Modded --(Permission) [Resourcepack]
- Fzzy Core
- Gazebos (RPG Series)
- Gear Core
- Geocluster
- Geophilic
- Go Fish
- Guard Villagers
- Guarding
- Handcrafted
- Health Overlay
- Hellion's Sniffer+
- Hero Proof
- Hopo Better Ruined Portals
- Horse Buff
- Horse Expert
- Ice Boat Nerf
- Iceberg
- Illager Invasion
- Immersive Melodies
- Interactic
- Inv Move
- Inventory Sorting
- Item Borders
- Item Model Fix
- Items Displayed
- ItemSwapper
- Krypton
- Lambda Better Grass
- LazyDFU
- Leaf Me Alone
- Legacy: [Let's Do] Bakery
- Legacy: [Let's Do] Brewery
- Legacy: [Let's Do] Candlelight
- Legendary Tooltips
- Linkart
- Loyal Items
- Macaw's Fences and Walls
- Macaw's Roofs
- Macaw's Windows
- Make Bubbles Pop
- MakeUp - Ultra Fast [Shader]
- Map Atlases
- Masik's Puzzle Dungeon
- MC Dungeons Enchanting
- Menulogue
- Midnight Lib
- Minerally
- Mixin Conflict Helper
- MixinTrace
- Mob Catalog
- Moisturization
- More Chat History
- More Geodes
- More Mob Variants
- More Mob Variants x Fresh Animations [Resourcepack]
- Musket Mod
- Mythic Charms
- NBT Crafting
- NBT Tooltip
- Necronomicon API
- Nether's Delight --(Permission)
- Nicer Skies
- No Chat Reports
- Not Enough Animations
- Not Enough Crashes
- Notes
- Numismatic Overhaul
- NumismaticClaim
- On Soul Fire
- Open Parties and Claims
- Overweight Farming
- Packet Fixer
- Panda's Extra Details
- Particle Rain
- Particle Tweaks
- Passive Shield
- Patchouli
- PatchouliButton
- Pehkui
- Polymorph
- Prism
- Projectile Damage Attribute
- Quality Sounds
- Reacharound
- Realistic Bees
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Reroll
- Respawning Animals
- Roughly Enough Items (REI)
- Roughly Enough Professions (REP)
- Satin API
- Sculk Expansion
- Searchables
- Shoulder Surfing Reloaded
- Show Me Your Skin!
- Simple Voice Chat
- Skeletal Remains
- Sleep Tight
- SleepWarp
- Snow Under Trees (Fabric)
- Snuffles (Fabric)
- Sodium Extra
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks
- Sooty Chimneys for Fabric
- Sound Controller
- Spark
- Spell Engine
- Spell Power Attributes
- Spice of Fabric
- Spyglass Astronomy
- Spyglass Improvements
- Stamina
- Starlight (Fabric)
- Starter Kit
- Stendhal
- Structory --(Permission)
- Structory Towers --(Permission)
- Structure Pool API
- Suggestion Tweaker
- Supplementaries
- Supplementaries Squared
- Takes A Pillage
- Target Dummy
- Third Person Maps
- Tidal Towns
- Tips
- Tom's Simple Storage
- Tool Trims
- Towns and Towers
- Travelers Titles
- Tridents 'n' Stuff
- Trinkets Curios Theme
- Trowel
- Ultreon Modding Library
- Unique Enchanted Books [Resourcepack]
- Universal Ores
- Video Tape
- Villagers: Far From Home
- Visuality
- 醒来
- 威廉·威瑟斯 (William Wythers) 的扩展生态圈
- Xaero 的世界地图
- Xali's Bushy Leaves [资源包]
- Xali 的增强原版 [资源包]
- YetAnotherConfigLib 的
- YUNG 的 Better Dungeons
- YUNG 的 Better Mineshafts
- YUNG 更好的据点
- YUNG's Better Witch 小屋
- YUNG 的额外内容
- YUNG 的菜单调整